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DFUDGothicTC13(華康UD黑 Std) OpenType

UD Gothic is designed as a response to the increasingly aging society in the 21st century, extended from the concept of Universal Design, and meant for the general public. UD Gothic is simplistic, majestic and accentuates easy legibility and easy reading for the elderly and those with vision disorders e.g. myopia and amblyopia, and even in a fast-moving environment. A sweet friendly design makes written communication more pleasant and relaxing.
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  • DFUDGothicTC13-W4(華康UD黑 Std W4) OpenType
  • DFUDGothicTC13-W6(華康UD黑 Std W6) OpenType
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DFUDGothicTC13-W6(華康UD黑 Std W6) OpenType
DFUDGothicTC13-W4(華康UD黑 Std W4) OpenType

Product details

* Windows 8.1/ 10/ 11
* Mac OS X 10.12 or later
PC required for the above OS.
[Font Type]

[Font Specification]
Compliant with Big5
Please follow instructions listed in the “Product License” when using this product.