Picture Simulation

Upload a picture then add a text box.
Experience the effect of the DynaFont on the picture.
Upload a picture then add a text box.
Experience the effect of the DynaFont on the picture.
Step 01

Select a picture from your computer or smartphone

File size limit:2MB
Suggested file size:1024*768
Step 02

Add a text box then type texts for simulation

Step 03

Select a font and text style or explore more fonts

  • DFYanKaiW5-B5(華康正顏楷體W5) TrueType
  • DFXingKaiW5-B5(華康行楷體W5) TrueType
  • DFLianLianW2-B5(華康連連體W2) TrueType
  • DFHsiuW3-B5(華康秀風體W3) TrueType
Font size
Text space
Font Information