Category:Font Design Concept
DynaFont Handwriting Style Fonts: DF Hannotate

The world is so big! Every time when I put my backpack on,
I need a little more courage.
After stepping out of the door,
curiosity fills my mind.
After stepping out of the door,
curiosity fills my mind.
Do you remember your expectations for your last trip? What unforgettable memories have you brought back? A notebook is always a good companion to travelers, and the handwriting of the records inside is like the process of this trip: some contain the rhythm of the train's ups and downs, some are nonsense recorded in fatigue. But there is always a page of unknown handwriting with which each new experience on the trip is recorded. This article introduces a new handwriting style font – Hannotate. It is like the style written with a fountain pen that presents warm, unforgettable memories from a trip.

Hannotate is also available for small screens.
The Hei font used on mobile phones looks like pokers with only one expression. Although there are European fonts resembling the Noteworthy font used on the mobile phones, the Hei font is the only choice for Chinese. The designer thus designed a handwriting style Chinese font resembling the Noteworthy font for mobile phones. This is the origin of DF Hannotate.
Handwriting Style of Ink Rendering
The designer applied the fountain pen stroking to DF Hannotate. Each stroke is gentle and carries the beauty of softness in rigidity. Squared and generous, the font is straightforward without sacrificing rigor. The most important thing is that the rendering effect of ink at the finale has added the unique handwriting style of the font.

Features of DF Hannotate
DF Hannotate has a fountain pen handwriting style that is natural, gentle, and generous, and presents the ink rendering effect with a readily legible structure for the screen.
▼Examples of DF Hannotate
Unlike past fonts for printed matters, DF Hannotate was first designed for use on small screens, a handwriting style font for use on computer, communication, and consumer electronic products. It is also the first handwriting style font that can be scaled up and down on screens without distortion. Apart from printed matters and cultural and creative products, it also fits for screens of all sizes: smartphones, tablets, apps, games, communication software, social networking platforms, photo editing software, and other applications.

DF Hannotate introduced in this article is available for embedded service on the display of smartphones; computer, communication, consumer electronic products, and home appliances. More Information