OEM font production services

DynaComware has top-notch font technology and deals with various OEM development needs that are related to font products. Clients are welcome to inquire further information.

Example of font production

  • Example of font production
  • Bitmap font development (European languages in various sizes, S-JIS code, Big5 code, and the basic fonts of Unicode)
  • TrueType font development (European languages, S-JIS code, Big5 code, GB code, GBK code, basic Unicode)
  • Compatible fonts for general machines are transformed into Bitmap from TrueType

Introduction to sales certification that are specifically used for gaming software within mainland China

Text information processing products used within the China must follow the GB18030 character coding format

The GB18030-2005 format comprehensively includes Unicode character set such as Chinese text expansion; therefore, text information processing products that are used within the area should follow the regulation on text markup.

At the beginning of 2014, the Chinese government announced a temporarily relieve internal ban regarding the production, circulation, and sales of foreign television game machines. The same applies to gaming software.

Certification procedures of gaming software sales within the China area is available at DynaComware

Methods of obtaining sales certification that are specifically used for gaming software within mainland China

For gaming software to be sold in mainland China, companies must obtain a permit issued by the Chinese government. Therefore, verification from the Chinese Government must be obtained beforehand

Agent for Contract Businesses

Based on the contract with the Chinese government (China Electronics Standardization Institute), DynaComware accepts businesses of procedures regarding the certification that are specifically used for gaming software within mainland China.

Regulations regarding sales certification that are specifically used for gaming software within mainland China

Please refer to the image below

Procedure for obtaining sales certification that are specifically used for gaming software within mainland China

Procedure for obtaining sales certification that are specifically used for gaming software within mainland China

  1. Commission quotation


  2. Make a quotation


  3. Signing the Contract

    Client⇔Chinese Government(two-three weeks)

  4. Remittance

    Client⇒DynaComware⇒Chinese Government

  5. Certification Testing

    Chinese Government(Two –Three weeks per work)

  6. Whether or not the work is qualified: Presenting the text report (when qualified)

    Chinese Government ⇒DynaComware⇒Client

Tying products・Other usages

Inquiries about the licensing of fonts regarding the following issues can be put forth

How to use the tying of products, usage on peripheral products of cartoon characters, or any other inquires.

Customer Service

Hotline: (852)2866 3560